It's annoying each time you need to run a command you should enter to the container before.
How to run commands without entering to your docker container ?
For exemple to run composer install in the normal case you need to run the following:
$ docker exec -it docker-CONTAINER_NAME /bin/bash
# Now you are inside container you can run
$ composer install
So let's make life easy and change those two commandes by one alias:
- First thing we need is install this beautiful library smartcd and configure it like the following
$ git clone $ cd smartcd $ make install $ source load_smartcd # Accept all with typing Y $ smartcd config
- Second thing is to create necessary file to work with smartcd, in your project add the following files:
for demonstration purposes i will create create some alias like composer and drush you can add as much as you want of alias in the same way.
.bash_enter file_alias_dc() { docker-compose $@;} _alias_run() { docker-compose run --rm $@;} _alias_php() { docker-compose run --rm --user YOUR_USER --workdir=/WORKDIR_PATH CONTAINER_NAME php $@;} _alias_composer() { docker-compose run --rm --user YOUR_USER --workdir=/WORKDIR_PATH CONTAINER_NAME composer $@;} _alias_drush() { docker-compose run --rm --user YOUR_USER --workdir=/WORKDIR_PATH CONTAINER_NAME vendor/drush/drush/drush $@;} ALIAS_FUNCTIONS=(_alias_dc _alias_run _alias_php _alias_composer _alias_drush) if [ -z "$BASH_ENTER_ALIAS_ONLY" ]; then echo "Commands: "; fi for func in $ALIAS_FUNCTIONS do autostash alias $(sed -r 's/^_?alias_//' <<< "${func}")="${func}" if [ -z "$BASH_ENTER_ALIAS_ONLY" ]; then echo " - $(sed -r 's/^_?alias_//' <<< "$func")"; fi done
.bash_leave fileALIAS_FUNCTIONS=$(declare -F | sed -r 's/^declare -f //' | awk -F= '/^_?alias_/{print $1 }') for func in $ALIAS_FUNCTIONS do unset -f $func done
- Now all you need to do is open your terminal and go to your project root folder you will find all the alias declared in the .bash_enter file ready to go.
now you can run composer install without entering to container.
For more information read about smartcd here especially the part of HOW DOES IT WORK?